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"Outstanding customer service requires everyone’s effort, from the CEO to the shipping clerk."

If you want to be good in service, you will join about 8 out of 10 companies in doing so. If you want to be great in customer service, then you will be among the 20% who are recognized in their industry for being outstanding.

Outstanding customer service is a huge competitive advantage to have. Outstanding customer service truly helps enhance the true value you bring to your customers today.

My experience in customer service has been from one end to the other. The firm I started my sales career with was horrible with its care for its customers. They wanted what was best for the customer, but their actions surely did not show it. After 7 years of adding customers to the roles only to lose them because of this company’s terrible customer service, I chose to leave and start my own firm, one that would not only talk about the commitment to the customer but put it in action, every week, every day.

In order to be great in sales, your internal organization needs to deliver the promises of service that you make in the field while calling on your customers. My experience in sales has led me to really appreciate the need for outstanding care. That is why I have put on many customer service seminars and coached many companies on the need to be outstanding in service.

Sales and service go hand in hand. My experience and expertise come from the company I owned, where service was our main selling competitive advantage. We lived, breathed and worked at outstanding service.

Training and coaching customer service requires changing a culture. Outstanding customer service requires everyone’s effort, from the CEO to the shipping clerk. Everyone in the organization has an impact on how the customer views the company’s services. My training includes interactive workshops to discussion on customer service key areas. My coaching helps improve good customer service organization on their quest to become great.

Customer Service Training
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