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Positive Performance provides a wide variety of sales workshops.


These workshops are highly interactive as working together as a coach and player yields the best results. Each workshop is customized for each individual customer. Below find a list of just some of the various workshops that Positive Performance has presented.

  • Beginning Sales – The basics that you must know to you start your quest to success

  • Why Goal Setting is part of every sales individual’s playbook – Why goals are more than just a thought and what impact they have over a sales person’s career and personal life.

  • Stop Selling a Commodity and start selling Value – Learning to sell value is key to a sales individual’s success.

  • Do you know your Competitive Advantages? – Explore why the 3 competitive advantages are so important to growing your sales base.

  • Are you truly listening? –  In this session, we talk about the whole science of listening and why it makes such a difference

  • Inside Sales – How different are you? –  Important elements that set the inside salesperson apart from his/her competitor.

  • A vs. B. – The difference between the A sale player and B sales player is the difference between being outstanding and mediocre. We talk in length about what only makes 2 out of 10 sales reps all-star players.

  • Attitude is Everything – Today’s sales and service individual must put aside their negative challenges and consistently look at the glass half full. Having a positive attitude leads to healthier sales and service members and increased sales success.

  • Emotionomics – Here we explore how and why emotions play such an important role in sales success today.

  • Trust – Have you built it? This workshop focuses on why trust is such a critical factor in achieving more sales.

  • Needs Analysis – Stop talking and start listening – Too often today’s sales individual wants to do all the talking about what is best for them, not the customer. This workshop digs deep into what we need to know before the sales individual provides a solution or idea.

  • Consultative Selling – Here we really go after the idea of not being known as a sales representative but of being a solution provider, a consultant to today’s business customer.

  • 10 key traits of every salesperson today – We take the top 10 traits of the best sales team members today and discuss the importance of the sales process.

Sales Workshops

Each workshop is customized for each individual customer.

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